MAP Test Scores


MAP Growth is a computer adaptive test that provides teachers and parents with immediate information to help deliver appropriate content for each student and determine each student’s academic growth over time. Teachers will be able to see the progress of individual students and of their class as a whole. School leadership can see the progress of a grade level, school, or the entire district.

K-8th MAP Growth Math (Fall, Winter, Spring)
K-1st Reading Fluency (Fall, Winter, Spring)
2nd-8th MAP Growth Reading (Fall, Winter, Spring)
3rd -8th MAP Growth Language Usage (Fall, Winter, Spring)

How do our students perform on assessments?

NWEA MAP Spring 2023 -2024


67% Distinguished or Proficient


73% Distinguished or Proficient

  • In 2023-2024 our students had the second highest growth in both Reading and Math among the 34 schools in the Archdiocese of Louisville.
  • In 2023-2024 our eighth grade students scored in the 78th percentile on the Algebra I exam, with 13 out of 27 scoring in the distinguished range.

hat does Saint James do with the results of the assessments?
Since students with similar MAP Growth scores are generally ready for instruction in similar skills and topics, the data provides teachers with good information to plan instruction. MAP Growth also provides typical growth data for students who are in the same grade, subject, and have the same starting performance level. This data is often used to help students set goals and understand what they need to learn to achieve their goals.