SJS Alumni Spotlight – Laura Gilbert

SJS Alumnus 1990-93 

lg Not all children are blessed with a stable home life. This was the case, unfortunately, for Saint James Catholic School alum Laura Gilbert who needed the chance to just be a kid and to be shown love. She attended SJS for sixth through eighth grades as a non-Catholic student and made the decision in high school to join the Church.

“I still have fond memories of school dances, field trips, class projects and teachers,” Gilbert said. “With the backbone of the Catholic Church, Saint James gives kids the opportunity to be stewards.”

Gilbert lives in Bowling Green and has two sons, Gerrard, 11, and a 6-year-old nicknamed Flintrock. She is in the billboard and digital display business, as well as interior design. She credits her success to the individual attention she received at the school and from other SJS families.

“I’m proud to have gone to school there, and I have my own kids in Catholic school because of my time at Saint James,” she said.